
Its common knowledge that green tea is a rich natural source of antioxidants due to a group of polyphenols known as catechins which studies have shown to slow aging, fight viruses and diseases, while protecting the body against the ravages of free radicals.
Now scientists studying green teas for their levels of EGCG, one of the most beneficial of these catechins, have discovered EGCG to be at least 100 times more effective than Vitamin C and 25 times more effective than Vitamin E at protecting cells and DNA from free radical damage.
Studies show that Matcha can give you over 200 times the amount of EGCG as regular steeped green tea. Thats why our customers are reporting fantastic benefits in terms of inflammatory pain relief, more youthful skin and hair, and for some, matcha is a 5 minute hangover cure!
Not only is matcha the most powerful antioxidant among teas, researchers at the USDA and Tufts University have determined that matcha is gram for gram, the most powerful antioxidant known to occur naturally in nature.
According to the USDA a serving of just 1.5g of matcha, with an Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity of 1384 units per gram is the antioxidant equivalent of approximately